All are welcome to join us for our celebrations of the Eucharist (Mass) here at Sacred Heart.
There is not a Mass on Mondays. Tuesday and Thursday Mass is celebrated in the side chapel. Enter through the North door of the Church. (The exception is on Thursday during the school year. We move Mass inside the Church to accommodate the students.) The Saturday 5:00 PM Mass has music provided by Gene Klosner. Gene is an uber-talented musician who has been writing and performing music within the Catholic Church and outside the Church since he was a child. He and his sister Cher have produced several albums together. The Sunday 10:45 AM Mass is where you will find the Freedom Choir, complete with guitar, bass, clarinet/saxophone, and drum set (which gets a full workout at this Mass!). Ann Rasmussen leads this upbeat band of merrymakers. They have produced albums, which are for sale at Sacred Heart. |