The Church must introduce the individual Christian into an encounter with Jesus Christ and bring Christians into His presence in the sacrament.
Pope Benedict XVI
Liturgical Ministries
Sacred Heart is always looking for parishioners who are willing to proclaim the Word of God. If you would like to be a reader at Mass, or if you are currently a lector and would like to be added to the schedule, please contact Brigid at the parish office or at [email protected] Please note that Archdiocesan training is required to be a lector and training is offered once a year, typically in August. EMHC
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC’s) help distribute the Body and Blood of Christ during Mass. Archdiocesan training is required to be an EMHC, and training is offered once a year in August. If you would like to be an EMHC or are currently an EMHC and would like to be added to the schedule, please contact Brigid at the parish office or email [email protected]. Altar servers
Sacred Heart encourages both adults and youth to be altar servers. We require youth altar servers to be in at least 4th grade. If you or your children have an interest in joining this ministry, please contact Brigid at the parish office or email [email protected]. Sacristy Assistance
Are you looking to give back to the church while working in the comfort of your own home? Then look no further, sacristy assistant is the job for you! Sacristy assistants wash, dry, and iron altar linens. This ministry rotates each month. If you would like to participate in this ministry, please contact Brigid at the parish office or email [email protected]. Oh, and don’t worry, this requires little to no interaction with Fr. Dave! Greeters
Sacred Heart prides itself on being a welcoming community. A greeter’s smile and friendly tone can leave a lasting first impression on the many guests that come through our doors. Sacred Heart is always looking for more people on the front lines, willing to make that good first impression. If you are interested in being a greeter at the weekend Masses, please contact Pam at the parish office, and you will be added to the schedule. ushers
Are you looking for a more active role during Mass? Ushers find people seats, help during communion, and help with the collection (with the added bonus of embarrassing friends and family by shaking the collection baskets in front of them implying they haven’t given enough). If you are interested in being an usher at a weekend Mass, please contact Pam at the parish office and you will be added to the schedule. music ministry
Have musical gifts to share? Please talk to one of our Music Directors: Gene Klosner (5:00 PM Saturday Mass), and Ann Rasmussen (10:45 AM Mass). We leave the judgement of musical gifts up to them. |